Mountain Landscape Photography

Mountain Landscape Photography
Mountain Landscape Photography

Lenses The great thing about SLRs (or DSLRs) is that you can change the lens to suit the occasion. A wide angle lens allows you to fit everything in, but also has the effect of making everything except the foreground look smaller than it did in real life. In contrast, a telephoto lens will allow you to pick out one detail of the landscape. Sometimes the right detail is much more evocative than the whole mountain.

Mountain Landscape Photography

Flashlight the best time to take landscape photographs is nearly always the "golden hours" -- an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset. That's when the grazing light from the low sun emphasizes the contours of the land. And it's also when the light turns a magical honey color. The catch is that if you want to be on top of a mountain for the gold hours, you have to either hike up in the dark before dawn, or hike down after sunset. Either way, you'll have a safer, pleasanter journey with a flashlight.

Mountain Landscape Photography

Mountain Landscape Photography

Mountain Landscape Photography

Mountain Landscape Photography

Mountain Landscape Photography

Mountain Landscape Photography
Mountain Landscape Photography

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